Mom of five. I get my name "TSUMOMI" from my kids. I am a tidal wave of momihood. I like to scrapbook, listen to music, check out bands, read, and go to the movies. I am trying to hang on to my youth for as long as possible.
Posted by tsumomi at 5:46 PM 3 comments
Posted by tsumomi at 9:40 AM 2 comments
It's been 4 days of summer break and it feels like 100. Anyone on the same page as me with this one? Here are the repeated phrases I have heard today:
I'm bored
It's my turn on the computer
Mom, (insert the name) is laughing at me
Mom, tell them to stop singing
Seat, check I've got the remote
What can I have to eat
Can we go school shopping? (ARE YOU SERIOUS? Hey I'll take you if you promise to go to summer school)
What can I do
I don't want to do that
It's too hot
Mom, she hit me
Mom, she pulled my hair
Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom!!!!!!!!!!
HELP ME KEEP MY SANITY! I don't want to be remembered by my kids as a yelling mom!
Can I help it? Lilly is laying on the floor repeating hot dog, hot dog as I type. She doesn't even like hot dogs. They are out to get me!
Posted by tsumomi at 4:53 PM 3 comments
Posted by tsumomi at 4:35 PM 1 comments
We took one last run at the zoo last week before it got too hot. Highlight of the zoo: Lilly still is calling me Grandma. So we are chilling looking at the monkey's and Lilly says "Grandma this monkey doesn't have a mom. Do you know why? I said no. She said that the daddy monkey was hitting the mom monkey and the mom monkey got mad and ran away". Nice, I know you don't need to tell me. I am surrounded by other mom's with their kids as they are listening to this story thinking they probably think that is why I am raising Lilly (because I'm her grandma remember?) and her mom left her because the dad was hitting the mom. Never a dull moment with my Lilly.
Posted by tsumomi at 4:26 PM 2 comments
Posted by tsumomi at 12:57 PM 3 comments