Friday, May 30, 2008


TEAlicious 4611 E. Chandler Blvd.Suite 100Phoenix, AZ 85048ph: 480-785-TEAS (8327)alt: MON-SAT 10:00-5:30
I stumbled across the cutest tea shop today. I was driving by and saw some really cute pink chairs sitting out front of a sign that said Tealicious. My girls wanted to go check it out for sure. When we opened the door I felt like I stepped into a fairyland. Every color of pink, blue, green and yellow popped out at me. It was so cute. They have cute cupcakes, cakes, cookies, drinks and things for sale. I would love to have a shop like this. They even have a separate room for tea parties. The owner was as cute as can be and her 7th grade daughter was there working with her. It would be a fun date with your girls. Although it would be fun to see how boys would deal with it. I might make Josh tough it out. I can hear it now "Mom why do you do these things to me? I need to barf now". Let me tell you what he is going to make a great husband. I mean look at the huge problems I create for him in his life because he has so many sisters. I will agree to an arranged marriage if you agree to my terms. I get to be the favorite Grandma when they have kids.

Keep them busy

Gotta keep the kids busy or they go into full blown ware down Mom mode. Luckily my sister has a awesome pool we can go hang out at. The kids can find plenty to do. Plus, how great is it to hang with the cousins? So my game plan is this: Make them swim for a couple of hours ( around 3-4 hours works best) so they get tired and just a tad sunburned (just kidding) then they don't want to do anything else the rest of the day. Let me say this "I had a great day yesterday".

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Can I yell anymore???

It's been 4 days of summer break and it feels like 100. Anyone on the same page as me with this one? Here are the repeated phrases I have heard today:

I'm bored
It's my turn on the computer
Mom, (insert the name) is laughing at me
Mom, tell them to stop singing
Seat, check I've got the remote
What can I have to eat
Can we go school shopping? (ARE YOU SERIOUS? Hey I'll take you if you promise to go to summer school)
What can I do
I don't want to do that
It's too hot
Mom, she hit me
Mom, she pulled my hair
Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom!!!!!!!!!!

HELP ME KEEP MY SANITY! I don't want to be remembered by my kids as a yelling mom!
Can I help it? Lilly is laying on the floor repeating hot dog, hot dog as I type. She doesn't even like hot dogs. They are out to get me!

Abby and basketball

As most of you know Abby loves basketball. She has been playing for about 5 years. She has been playing club ball for the last 3 years. There are some perks that come with that. We got 9th row tickets to the opening game of the Mercury this year. They won the championship last year for those of you who don't know much about them. So, the game was filled with stars and lots of fun people to stare at. There were all kinds of women who looked like men, and all kinds of women who looked like men. Get my point? It was a real ego booster for me being there. Mahamed Ali and his wife were by us, Dan Marleje and Mark West (old school Suns players). I got to sit and talk to them for a couple of minutes. And yes Dan is extremely good looking. We got to see Amorie Stadamier ( I'm sure I butchered his name) and talk to him. Josh snuck into the VIP section and got his autograph. We had a great day being together. It's nice that my kids are getting older and I can just hang out with them.

Monday, May 19, 2008


We took one last run at the zoo last week before it got too hot. Highlight of the zoo: Lilly still is calling me Grandma. So we are chilling looking at the monkey's and Lilly says "Grandma this monkey doesn't have a mom. Do you know why? I said no. She said that the daddy monkey was hitting the mom monkey and the mom monkey got mad and ran away". Nice, I know you don't need to tell me. I am surrounded by other mom's with their kids as they are listening to this story thinking they probably think that is why I am raising Lilly (because I'm her grandma remember?) and her mom left her because the dad was hitting the mom. Never a dull moment with my Lilly.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

I'm Back

Yes, it has been awhile. Sorry. So I have wanted to blog about this fun place that I went to about a month ago. It is a place that takes after the show "Who's line is it anyways". We had so much fun, and I had enough laughs to last me for the month. What they do is ask people in the audience to throw out ideas and they act them out. It was so crazy what they would come up with. The cool thing too is that it is family friendly. There is no age requirement to go. They sell popcorn, candy and drinks. No carpet and fold out chairs so it fine if your kids trash the place. There we mostly college kids on dates there, but don't let that stop you from bringing the family. We will be going this summer as a family night out.
The Jester'Z perform every Friday and Saturday night at 8:00 & 10pm at Theater 168. Tickets are $12 for all shows. There is no age restriction and never a drink minimum. (Concessions available at the snack bar)
Reservations are recommended and can be made by calling 480-423-0120.