Mom of five. I get my name "TSUMOMI" from my kids. I am a tidal wave of momihood. I like to scrapbook, listen to music, check out bands, read, and go to the movies. I am trying to hang on to my youth for as long as possible.
Posted by tsumomi at 1:45 PM 5 comments
So many things to be thankful for at this time of year and easy to forget what they are because of the economy. But here is my predictable list:
1. Family
2. House
3. Health
4. Hard working husband that brings home the bacon
Here are my not so predictable things I am thankful for:
1. Quaker Oats cereal - High in fiber which is a good thing
2. Blue finger nail polish - I love this on my toes
3. The move" The Notebook" - so romantic and Ryan Gosling is just too hot in the movie
4. I am thankful that all the workers at Target wear red so I know who to go to when I need help.
Posted by tsumomi at 10:28 AM 2 comments
Posted by tsumomi at 11:22 AM 2 comments
Posted by tsumomi at 6:08 AM 5 comments
Posted by tsumomi at 5:42 PM 4 comments
I have been getting a bit worried about the PF CHANG race I signed up for. I haven't felt real great running and was getting bored. I felt like I had a monkey on my back. My mind was messing with me. I kept thinking how am I going to run this thing in 2 1/2 months? My longest run to date was 6 miles. I was really getting discouraged. So Saturday I went for a run. I was feeling pretty good. My groove was on. So after 2 miles I told myself you are going to break this mental game your brain in playing with you. You are going to break into the double digits today. I did it! I ran 10 miles on Saturday. Wow! Talk about feeling good about yourself. I realized I am in better shape than I thought. All of my training has been working and I am going to reach my goal. I won the mental game! It really is about that. So come Jan. I know I will be ready. I have just enough time to train and tack on 3 more miles to that 10. I should be good to go.
Posted by tsumomi at 9:27 AM 3 comments