Friday, November 28, 2008

Turkey day and friends

We celebrated Turkey day with friends this year. Our friends are from France, England, Texas, Nebraska and Arizona. It was a fun group of people. Marc put together a menu and had everyone make special dishes for the feast. It was a banner year as far as food was concerned. I forgot to take pictures of the food. But really who wants to see the food? That's kind of the last thing you want to see again after being stuffed with it the day before. After we ate we played a couple of games, watched football on t.v., and talked. Then it started to down pour rain and the kids went nuts. There were a good amount of kids here who all decided to go play in the rain. It was so fun to watch them laugh and have fun. Even the teenagers who usually too cool for anything played in the rain. They were all pretty wound up after that. Next thing you know the music is pumping and there is a dance party. Nothing like jumping around on a full tummy. It was a great day. Missed my family- but feel lucky to have such close friends to share a special day with. I will get my family on Christmas. Watch out. It's never dull at the Pulsifer house.

Thursday, November 27, 2008


So many things to be thankful for at this time of year and easy to forget what they are because of the economy. But here is my predictable list:
1. Family
2. House
3. Health
4. Hard working husband that brings home the bacon

Here are my not so predictable things I am thankful for:
1. Quaker Oats cereal - High in fiber which is a good thing
2. Blue finger nail polish - I love this on my toes
3. The move" The Notebook" - so romantic and Ryan Gosling is just too hot in the movie
4. I am thankful that all the workers at Target wear red so I know who to go to when I need help.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I got to spoon this little girl last night. Lilly woke up in the middle of the night scared. Of course there I was to help and protect her. She hopped in bed and I snuggled up and spooned her. I was wide awake by this point and started thinking. When Marc spoons me I always feel protected. His big arms wrap around me and I feel safe and secure. It was great being able to wrap my big arms around my little bundle of joy and know that I am making her feel safe and secure. I felt lucky!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

My Cribb

Did you ever wonder what the Pulsifer house looked like inside? Here you go. Now you ask yourself "Wow, how does she keep her house so picked up and clean"? Well, these pictures were taken over a year ago for our realtor to use when she listed our house. Needless to say we didn't move and I never had to use the pictures. Being in the blogging funk that I'm in I thought I would put these once in a lifetime pictures to use. So here you go. Sneak peek into to the Pulsifer house...minus the mess that is usually there.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

history was made on Nov. 4th

History was made yesterday and I'm not talking about the new President. I am talking about going and getting some blood work done. I went into Sonora Lab at 3:15 to get some blood drawn for some tests. No, I don't have cancer and No I'm not preggo. Well history was made when they called me back after sitting in the waiting room for a WHOLE 5 minutes. Rock on!!! No 45 minute wait like usual. I was excited, happy and more than willing to give them my blood.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Mind games

I have been getting a bit worried about the PF CHANG race I signed up for. I haven't felt real great running and was getting bored. I felt like I had a monkey on my back. My mind was messing with me. I kept thinking how am I going to run this thing in 2 1/2 months? My longest run to date was 6 miles. I was really getting discouraged. So Saturday I went for a run. I was feeling pretty good. My groove was on. So after 2 miles I told myself you are going to break this mental game your brain in playing with you. You are going to break into the double digits today. I did it! I ran 10 miles on Saturday. Wow! Talk about feeling good about yourself. I realized I am in better shape than I thought. All of my training has been working and I am going to reach my goal. I won the mental game! It really is about that. So come Jan. I know I will be ready. I have just enough time to train and tack on 3 more miles to that 10. I should be good to go.