We celebrated Turkey day with friends this year. Our friends are from France, England, Texas, Nebraska and Arizona. It was a fun group of people. Marc put together a menu and had everyone make special dishes for the feast. It was a banner year as far as food was concerned. I forgot to take pictures of the food. But really who wants to see the food? That's kind of the last thing you want to see again after being stuffed with it the day before. After we ate we played a couple of games, watched football on t.v., and talked. Then it started to down pour rain and the kids went nuts. There were a good amount of kids here who all decided to go play in the rain. It was so fun to watch them laugh and have fun. Even the teenagers who usually too cool for anything played in the rain. They were all pretty wound up after that. Next thing you know the music is pumping and there is a dance party. Nothing like jumping around on a full tummy. It was a great day. Missed my family- but feel lucky to have such close friends to share a special day with. I will get my family on Christmas. Watch out. It's never dull at the Pulsifer house.
looks like fun...can't wait for christmas
Sounds like fun was had by all. Loved the rain!! I have to agree, those are some special friends. I love all of them too!
How fun! Sounds like the food was yummmy!
I wish my house was big enough to host Thanksgiving. Looks like a great time :)
I recognize many of those faces!!! :-) Looks like a lot of fun! Happy belated Turkey day!
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