It started Thursday when Abby got home from school. She had a really bad stomach ache. Not the throw up kind. She went to bed woke up in the night with cramps and doubled over. Gave her medicine and laid with her. She got up went to school. Still didn't feel great, but didn't want to miss school because of the homework factor. Off and on all weekend of cramps. She was at basketball tryouts Sunday morning and 15 minutes into the practice she just about fainted. She was as white as a ghost, shaking, and couldn't see. Of course of all weekends Marc was out of town. I loaded up the kids and we headed to the ER. My brother lives close to the hospital so I dropped off all of the other kids at his house. My sister-in-law was so happy to see them. She loves kids and girls because she doesn't have a girl. They dealt with my crew while Abby and I went to the hospital. Blood work, cat scans, x-rays and 9 hours later they say she has 2 cysts on her ovaries but it still could be appendix. Okay so what do I do? Give her pain meds and wait and see how she is tomorrow. Marc had hopped on a plane to come home. My sister had picked up my kids from my brothers and was playing mom to them. She did homework with them, made treats for Amelia's class for her b-day, bathed the kids, washed hair, went to the store, packed lunches for the next day, and was still standing when we got home 9 hours later. Does this girl ROCK or what? Anyway, Monday - Abby was still in pain. Took her to her pediatrician. He sends her back to the ER. Worried about appendix. 8 hours spent at ER. Cat scans, blood work, ultra sound. Doctor says"Give her pain meds and watch her". Okay, what is the deal here? We go to the OBYGN Tuesday. They do an ultra sound then send up to see a surgeon. He said the reason she is in so much pain is that one of the cysts is leaking blood and that is causing the pain. Your abdominal wall does not like to have blood touch it. It can cause tremendous pain. Said to watch her, and she should start to feel better. She is feeling better today. Pretty crazy. Is she going to have these every month? Just have to wait and see.
boy, she can really put on an act. Tell her next time to just run the thermometer under some hot water.
Oh my gosh, sometimes it sucks to be a girl. What a tropper! I'm glad that it wasn't something worse.
Isn't it nice to live close to family?
Poor Abby. Aren't we lucky to have family so close by. I should send this link to my sister and tell her to move here now. Your sister does rock! Sounds like your brother and sister in law do too!
ya its bad for me every time of the month. usually i'll turn white as a ghost and start shakin too. one time i got up and couldnt see and ran into a wall :\
ya, well
i guess abby and i will have to survive teenage-hood together!
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