Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Rachel's b-day

So this is what Rachel is doing for her b-day. I am getting off easy once again. For the last 3 years we have been in California for Rachel's b-day. It just so happens that her b-day is during fall break which means she always gets jipped out of a party. It 's one of those things "We will have one when we get back home" and it never happens. I forget, she forgets, blah, blah, blah. So this year she hit me up for this concert. Score! If anyone wants to join us get a ticket and hop on board. We will get some eats after the show.

Tickets for this one-time only event are on sale now. The show isscheduled for Oct. 12. The Jonas Brothers -- featuring brothers Kevin, Joe and Nick -- will be the music headliners for Yamaguchi's annual Friends and Family ice show,which features Olympic and world-class skaters and their children. The showwill be nationally televised on NBC-TV at a date to be announced.


Laura Fuller said...

I've decided on not trying to sell the tickets...we will have fun.

Rachel said...

finally i don't have a birthday in California!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!