Friday, October 10, 2008

Dysfunctional things about me

I've been tagged to admit 6 dysfunctional things about myself. Here they are:
1. I don't eat the tip or end of a banana. I always throw those parts away.
2. I haven't gone to bed with make up on my face more than maybe 3 times in my entire life. I always wash my face before bed no matter what. It is a must!
3. I always sleep with earplugs in my ears. I find the ringing of my ears soothing and the earplugs help me to concentrate on that noise so I can fall asleep.
4. I wear flip flops every single day of the year!
5. I only wash my hair 2 times a week. My hair looks better if it is a bit dirty. I do shower everyday don't worry.
6. I sleep on top of pillows that are on top of my bed. I'm talking my whole body sleeps on top of pillows. We even have a pillow top bed. The pillows also have to have the tag facing towards me feet.
I tag whoever reads this.


Laura Fuller said...

i knew all of those but the pillow thing...whatever makes you feel like a queen.
heres mine:
I don't drink the last little bit of milk in a carton.

My feet must be clean and moisturized at all time. I don't walk barefoot
anywhere but on carpeted areas.

I like to clean my kids ears.

I hate mayonnaise...the sound, seeing people eat it.

My pillow tag has to be facing in toward the bed.

Sheri said...

I like my hair better dirty too. And also have an on-going love affair with flip flops.

Here's some of mine:

I have to have some chocolate first thing in the morning.

I love to pull weeds.

I become obsessed easily.

I hate the sound of people eating cereal.