I love these guys. They are the DJ's for the morning show on 104.7 in the mornings. Now this station doesn't really play the music I like but the morning show rocks! They are so funny. Who isn't looking for a laugh in the mornings? Well, laugh I did not do the other day. It would be the ugly cry. You know the one where your face gets all weirded out looking.

Well, I got that way because these guys make Christmas happen for people struggling. You hear a sad story of the people in need and these guys totally set them up. They had the lady on the phone getting help crying, me crying and Lilly crying because she didn't know why I was crying. It was only Dec. 2 and they do this like everyday until Christmas. Boy, December is going to be long. I better get some tissues for my car.
I see them on Good Morning AZ all the time. I'm going to have to check out their show.
Awww....that is such a cool thing. I will have to tune in on the way to school on Monday. I think it is a good reminder for the kids to hear other peoples stories. We don't really have it that bad after all.
What??? You held Pete Wentz's hand??? Did you ask him how Ashley was doing?
You ARE a rockstar!
Time for a new post.
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