I am old. It took me 6 days to recover from a concert I took Abby and Josh to. I have been wanting to blog about it, but my ears have still been ringing. So we went to PHOOSON last Friday. It started at 4:30 in the afternoon and we didn't start walking out to the car until 12:20 in the morning. 8 hours of bands!!! That is what I'm talking about. We were 4 row. Just behind a couple of rows of VIP people. We had awesome seats. You could see the bands really good, and even see their facial expressions. It was so much fun. The topper was when Pete Wentz did a stage dive on top of us. Abby got to hold his hand, and well so did I. I know I need to grow up. Josh just touched him. He wasn't into the holding hands with him. I know Pete is married and like 30 at best but he is hot! If he was 18 and I was saying that yes that would be weird, I could be his mom. But with our age difference I could really only quilify as a big sister. So I think it is okay to say he is hot. Abby has always been in love with him. She was shaking after the hand holding. She couldn't even text her friends because of the shakes. Sorry mom if you are reading this. Your granddaughter is in love with a tattooed rock star. Anyways, we had a great time. Here is the line up of who played
Varsity Fan Club - Ya, they aren't going to make it. We were talking to them because they were sitting by us. I asked if Abby wanted to get her picture taken with them. She was like "No Way. Are you kidding me? They totally suck!
Varsity Fan Club - Ya, they aren't going to make it. We were talking to them because they were sitting by us. I asked if Abby wanted to get her picture taken with them. She was like "No Way. Are you kidding me? They totally suck!
Academy Is - they were fun to watch
Second hand Serenade - the guy has a great voice
Jesse Mc Cartney - entertaining but don't really like his music
Katie Perry - She sounded really good and fun to watch
Tokyo Hotel - Sounded good. The leader singer is freaky.
Pussy Cat Dolls - I don't even consider them music. They are just glorified dancers. Funny, it was one of Josh's favorite bands. I wonder why?????
Fall Out Boy- Sounded great. Lot's of interaction with the crowd
Rhianna - Sounded Awesome. She is so beautiful in person
I'm totally jealous that you got to hold Pete's hand. He is hot. We should go to a concert together sometime!
can't wait for britany. did i tell you for floor tickets they are going for over 1K
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