Friday, March 28, 2008

Legos and I don't mix

I had my niece and nephew over today to play with Lilly. We stopped by Target to get a few things. My nephew is OBSSESSED with Star Wars. He talked me into buying him this legos star wars. When we got home he wanted me to put it together. When I agreed to buy it I had visions of his parents dealing with it. But of course I could not say no. I thought I can whip this together in about 10 minutes and then fold my load of laundry. 55 minutes later I'm done. For some reason they accidently put 2 extra pieces in his box. Those manufactures should really be aware of those kind of mistakes. Hey, I did my best. That should count for something.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

My sweet Lilly?

So my sweet Lilly has been playing a funny game lately. She calls me her "Grandma" and talks about her other life. She says that her mom has white legs and pink hair and is really mean sometimes. She says she gets grounded if she eats cheese. Okay whatever. So I play along with her and listen to her fine tune her lying skills. It got out of hand yesterday. We are in the store and she tells the check out guy that I am her grandma and her mom lives in Mexico. The checkout guy says "Wow you look great for being a Grandma." So if I look great for being a grandma that must mean I look like crap for being a mom? I didn't dare tell the guy I was her mom. I just went along with my sweet Lilly's lie.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Any Clue

I thought I would switch up my page a bit. Somehow all of my posting aren't posted. Just the pictures. Does anybody know how to get the words back on? I have them all saved just can't get them on the blog area. Does that make sense? Any ideas would be great.

Monday, March 24, 2008


Well, got the kids off to school today after a long 2 weeks. Don't get me wrong I love having the kids around it's the constant mess in the house that makes me crazy. I guess I better get in the right mind set because summer will be here before I know it. We had a great Easter day yesterday. We had a big family gathering with my side of the family. It was fun for all of us to be together. We played a fun game. I had interviewed the little kids in private and the adults had to guess which kid said what. One of the questions was "If Grandma had to get a tatoo what would it be and where would she get it"? Some of the kids answers were "She would get a dolphin on her back, another was a butterfly across her back." We asked crazy funny questions so it made it fun. We missed Marc's family but they were all camping.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Spring Break

We have been busy this spring break. We headed out last Friday to California. Amelia got to dance at Disneyland with her dance studio. Marc stayed back so he could work (ya right, he just wanted the house to himself all weekend) and the kids and I along with Abby's friend and her mom headed out. We had a great time. We stayed at Disneyland for 14 hours. I was shocked that the kids lasted. Amelia did great in her performance. The 3 little girls stayed with me and Josh and Abby took off with her friend and mom to do the "big kid" rides. I hate rollercoasters so it worked out just fine. Marc should be scared because Amelia, Rachel and Lilly were more interested in shopping than the rides. They begged me to take them in all of the shops. They even had me in the dressing rooms so they could try on some clothes. I mean we are at DISNEYLAND and they want to shop??? And yes their begging wore me down and they all got new pj's. So we got back to the hotel by midnight and tried to unwind and go to sleep. Got up the next day to a phone call from a much too rested husband. He is feeling great and rested and has informed me that he has set up a skiing trip for us when we get home. We got home late Sunday night only to be back in the car first thing Monday morning to head to the snow. At least I was already packed or I guess I didn't need to unpack. Marc was chipper and happy while the rest of us were in a fog. I even shed a few tears and had a melt down. I have gotten good at this. After having 5 kids I have been taught by the best on how to do it right. Just enough tears and few jabs where it hurts and you get what you want. We had a great day and I love Marc for planning such a fun family get away. The only down part was Josh totally wiped out skiing and when we got home I had to take him to urgent care. He only has a really bad sprained hand and wrist, some bruises and a hurt ego.

Monday, March 10, 2008

A shout out to myself

So, this is just a shout out to myself. I get a "Good Mom" award. My little guy Josh has been waiting for a game for his Wii for over a year. They finally released the game on Sunday. I know how bad he wanted it. Gamestop opened their doors at 12:01 am on Sunday. Guess who was waiting in line at 11:30 at night? Me and all of my rugrats. It was crazy, there was a line. I mean come on it's a game. There were probably 75 people in line. I might add that most were adults talking about the game. They were talking about strategies they would be using on the game. I told Josh this will NOT be his future when he is older. We got home by 1:00 am and the kids played the game until around 3:00 am. Yesterday felt like a blur. Josh was glued to the game all day. It was funny, I was going to walk to the mailbox to get the mail I forgot to get on Saturday. Josh said "Mom, I going to come too. I should get some exercise today and take a break from this game". Just so you know the mailbox is maybe 15 seconds away from our house. A side note to those who don't see Josh much his hair is really not red. That was done just for fun on a football game day.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

A day of reflection

It's hard to believe that 5 years ago today we lost such a wonderful person. My mother in law passed away from lung cancer. I might add that she NEVER smoked a day in her life. My mother in law was one of a kind. I can say that she loved me like her own, and I felt that. We never had a bad relationship like some people do with their in laws. I miss her hugs more than anything. She taught me the value of a hug. She always had one for me when I saw her and then when I left. I miss her. Today will be about reflection and life. Our friend passed away on Monday unexpectedly. We will be attending his funeral today. I feel the hurt that the ones who loved him will be feeling. I know it is a process of time that will heal their hearts. I wish I could take their pain away. However, I know that from experience they will learn a lot about themselves during this journey. I will reflect today and continue to be grateful for all of my blessing.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Cute for an Easter gathering

I thought this was a cute way to put out your eating utensils for an Easter gathering. You just fold the napkin over to make a triangle then put your utensils in and roll up. Secure with pipe cleaners.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Movie afternoon with Will

I went to the movies Monday afternoon to see a funny movie. I was feeling like I could use a good laugh. Well, I could have gotten a better laugh looking at myself in a bathing suit. Well, that might be a better cry. Anyways, the movie was barley funny if that. Now, I am no prude by any means, but the language was really bad. Not just your usual cuss words but other stuff. If you like stupid humor you might think a couple of parts are funny. I would give this movie 2 stars out of 5.