I can't handle this blog anymore. It's not fun. I feel like it's turned into homework. I have really tried hard to get motivated about it again but I can't. I already have so much homework to do everyday that I can't do more. I mean I am doing homework in 2nd grade, 3rd grade, trying to keep up with the 5th grade stuff (It's kinda hard. Sometimes we have to have Marc help us) and well with the 7th grade stuff Abby is doing I just stand by for moral support. Who cares I forgot some of the stuff. I graduated from ASU and have my degree and people in the working field don't have to worry about me joining them. If I ever get a job I would love to work at Starbucks or Nordstroms and I don't need to be up on my game for math, nouns and verbs. I just gotta look cute and smile. Right? So this blog entry is because I need to know how to make all of my past entries into a book. Does anyone know how or where to do this?
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Look at how he is hugging her
This picture is what keeps Abby in a good mood. It was just posted on one of their web sites a few days ago. I wish Josh was looking forward but that is him on the end. The band is made up of pretty small guys as you can tell. Josh being in 5th grade is almost as tall as the drummer. The drummer is the ugly one in the picture. Or I should say ONE of the 3 out of the 4 UGLY guys in the band. haha He is the dude with no shirt on and tatted up. I can say they are ugly because most chicks don't care because they are ROCK STARS right? Well, I would care but lots of girls would just go for the status thing. Maybe they are nice guys but they could do things to make themselves cuter. First, cut your hair or if you want if long just wash it more than once a week. You could always shave too. That would be a plus. If you don't want to shave at least keep the beard neat and tidy. No crumbs lingering in it. Just a suggestion. But I guess who cares. They are ROCK STARS and Pete makes up for the rest of them. He is just adorable.
Posted by tsumomi at 1:07 PM 3 comments
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Charity Event
Here I am at a Charity Event with some of my oldest friends. Yes, old as in their age but I meant old in knowing them longest. Now you ask me what Charity Event? No clue. My friend doing the hang ten sign invited us. Let's see I paid $100.00 bucks for 1 free drink. We didn't eat (too busy having fun), they gave us 1 free drink then I paid $8.00 per plastic half filled drink after and I lost all my chips within the first hour. Did I have fun???? Totally!!!! You can't put a price tag on hanging with your girl friends. Plus, got to stay the night at the new Hilton. Stayed up till 4am. Still recovering.
Posted by tsumomi at 6:05 PM 2 comments
Sunday, April 12, 2009
We went to the Fall Out Boy concert last week. It was Abby, Karley, Paige, Josh, Nathan, and Randal. It was such a great show! First of all Abby, Josh, and Karley had meet and greets with the bands. They felt so cool. They were able to enter the concert early and go hang out with them. When Abby met Pete she said "You know I'm cool with long distance relationships". To which Pete said "Aren't you like about 12?" To which Abby said "13". Then Pete said "Oh well that is much better, it could work". He gave Abby a hug. She about died right then and there. Hummm should I be worried that my little girl is in love with a married 28 year old? Well, he is a hottie. Let's just chalk it up to her having good taste in guys. Abby, Paige and Karley headed to the front and ended up getting in the front row pushed up right against the barricades. Oh, to be young again. They stood there for 6 hours but were able to see everything within 3 ft. I guess it was worth it. The opening bands were Hey Monday, Metro Station, All Time Low and Cobra Starship. Me, Josh and the boys hung out on the grass and danced. It was fun. I love that my kids like to go to concerts. I love it too!
Posted by tsumomi at 7:55 AM 2 comments
Thursday, April 2, 2009
What 40 something year old girls do
A dunkin donuts just opened up by my kids school not too long ago. Can I just say this has been a lifesaver. It has done wonders for my self-esteem. You see after making a few we are late for school stops eat a donut in the car, I have found that there are some pretty cute guys that work there. So this has done wonders for my self esteem. You ask why? They always greet me with a friendly "Good Morning" on the drive through window microphone, followed by a "How are you today?" Huh? You are asking me? Someone caring? Wow! So we place our order I think to myself Which 25ish guy is working today? Is it the guy with blue eyes and great teeth or the guy with more of an edge to him? The girls and I wait while Josh and Nathan roll there eyes saying we are sick. I have found sometimes before I pick the kids up from school for some reason I just might need a little pick me up drink to get through the afternoon. Can I say SCORE if you have dogs in the car. I always tell Lilly to hide in the back of the car its just a little game we play. (just kidding) But I will say the workers do like dogs and have treats to give them. So that is what 40 something old girls do. We go to dunkin donuts. Now if I can just pin point these 2 workers schedules I will be set! Don't worry Marc- You are my one and only! Dunkin Donut outfit sometime?
Posted by tsumomi at 5:54 PM 4 comments
I love you man
Well, I would give this 3 thumbs up if I had an extra thumb attached like this guy had in high school. Great movie!! No Naked people (sorry guys you don't get to see any chicks baring it all in the movie). They do drop the F bomb a lot in the movie but other than that you are good to go. People were laughing out loud, including me. It did drag a bit at the end but that could just be me. I was heading out to go shopping after the movie and I was ready to hit the mall. I say go see the movie. If you liked Knocked Up or Super Bad you will love this one!
Posted by tsumomi at 6:47 AM 1 comments
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Terror for Amelia
Posted by tsumomi at 7:00 AM 2 comments
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Charlie and I don't mean Charlie Brown
Just thought I would let everyone know that Charles Manson just had a birthday. He is now 74 years old. I have always found this guy to be interesting in that he is so weird. I have seen him do an interview and he is just so out there. He is what I call scary and would freak out totally if he showed up at my door. I can't imagine what his victims went through. It is so sad to think how scared they were that night that him and his posse showed up to kill. So on that happy note I will stop this blog. I will try to be better about posting more often. Hang in there audience I will return to regular posts.
Posted by tsumomi at 7:54 AM 4 comments
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Posted by tsumomi at 7:08 AM 3 comments
Thursday, March 5, 2009
I decided to make dinner tonight. I HATE to cook! The extent of my cooking is spaghetti, hamburgers, meatloaf, tacos, pizza or some sort of chicken dish. I just pretty much rotate those dishes for dinner. I know my kids suffer right? Lucky for us Marc likes to cook and saves us on the weekends. We get good stuff to make up for the lousy week mom does. Today I thought I would get a jump start on my crock pot chicken. Who can wait. In the process I burned my fingers on a hot dish. Don't ask. But to my rescue was this bottle of Soy sauce. I quickly poured some on my fingers and within 5 seconds (no lie) the pain is gone. I thought man I need to share this secret with my fellow blog followers. I got an e-mail one time saying that for burns use Soy Sauce. Lilly was my first patient that I was able to try this on. It worked. It is so awesome. Go ahead burn yourself for fun because the pain ain't gonna last as long as you have a bottle of Soy Sauce.
Posted by tsumomi at 11:33 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Homeless dude
Posted by tsumomi at 12:27 PM 4 comments
Friday, February 27, 2009
Old but New den
The kids have taken over. It is official. No more den for Marc and I. Not that I need a den because all my work in done in the bedroom. Just kidding. I am trying to make myself smile today so I had to throw that in so I could get a laugh. Marc will probably get an even bigger laugh. Okay, so back to the den. It used to hold one brown desk, with brown walls, one computer, and fights non -stop . Marc and I decided to do something about it. We got this great computer desk to hold 3 computers. Only 2 computers work because nothing can stay unbroken in our house. Lilly supposedly broke it. I think all of the other kids are just ganging up on her. Marc has it on his "honey list" to fix. We are going on 2 weeks. The honey list is going to turn into a death sentence for him if it is not fixed this weekend. See, the kids still will fight over the other 2 computers. We really need 5 to make things work. Whatever. I really like how the den turned out. I had it painted celery green and I have hung all of our pictures we had done with piped piper. I am just waiting to hang Josh's pictures. They are not done yet. This is the first time we have had professional shots done that have ended up on the walls. It makes me very happy.
Posted by tsumomi at 12:32 PM 4 comments
Monday, February 23, 2009
Saying good-bye

Posted by tsumomi at 6:04 AM 3 comments
Thursday, February 19, 2009
B-day boy!
Posted by tsumomi at 12:41 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Quaker Oat cereal
This stuff is what keeps me regular if you know what I mean. Eat this stuff and bye bye prunes hello quaker oats. This cereal is the best thing going. Here is the break down : 1 cup cereal (which is a good amount) 210 calories, 5 grams fiber, 6 grams protein. Not bad huh? I have started eating breakfast at around 3:00 in the morning. No type error there. You read it right. I have gotten in this habit of waking up around that time, eat breakfast and then go back to bed. I picked up this habit from my sister. She has been doing it for years. Anyway, then when I get up for the day around 6:00 I have already eaten. By 9:00 I am feeling good, have the energy, and the food has settled to go work out. My kids love to eat it without milk for a snack. Give it a try. And as far as my last post goes I guess nobody enjoyed seeing the hairy naked guy???? I personally thought it was pretty funny.
Posted by tsumomi at 8:44 AM 2 comments
Friday, January 30, 2009
Is he human????

Posted by tsumomi at 8:55 AM 1 comments
Maria Maria and Suns
Laura gave us a gift card to this restaurant Maria Maria's for Marc's birthday. We decided to use it last night before we headed off to the Sun's game. The atmosphere is really great. They have huge big screen TVs everywhere with sports on, it is decorated really cool inside, and the waiter (this is big for me) was really good and cute. They also have a room off to the side that you can have a party in. Someone was having a birthday party while we were there. The food is not traditional Mexican but its nice to try something different. I had fish tacos that were really great. We ended up taking Josh's friend Nathan with us because Abby was sick. The game didn't start until 8:30. When we got there I was ready to go home and put on my pj's and hop in bed to start reading. But you know those Suns games....they rope you in with all the hoopla. Before I know it I was on my feet yelling and trying to ref the game from my seat. I know that Duncan could hear me call him a cry baby and Nash see me blow him a kiss. Oh all that wasted energy. I felt it as I sat in the seat for the car ride home at 11:00. Now I know why we gave up our shared 9th row seats session tickets. They are draining. Up at 6:00 today to take Abby's friend to basketball practice since Abby is still sick. Oh, the joys of mother hood.
Posted by tsumomi at 7:51 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
TC Eggington's
Posted by tsumomi at 12:56 PM 4 comments
Monday, January 26, 2009
God is here

These flowers were delivered to me from Marc. He said they were because I have been so sweet and putting up with his "role playing" if you will. Well, he may not be God, but I am going to keep him.
Posted by tsumomi at 5:50 AM 3 comments
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
The big race!
So here is proof I did the race and finished! Yep, 13.1 miles. Yep, it was really hard. Yep, I was really sore the next day. Yep, I will be doing it again next year. It felt so good to finish a goal I set for myself. It was fun achieving the goal with my sister and friend Roxanne by my side. Well, not by my side I ate their dust but you know what I mean.
Posted by tsumomi at 9:07 AM 5 comments
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Slumdog Millionaire
I had to go see what this movie was all about. I give it 3 1/2 stars out of 5. Believe it or not turns out to be a love story sort of thing. The movie keep my attention for the most part. I liked how the movie jumped from the present time to back in time. Does that make sense? I will be interested to hear what other peoples thoughts are on this movie. Will it get an Oscar? Next movie to hit will be the "Wrestler". I think that looks great even though Micky Rourke looks crazy ugly. Poor guy.
Posted by tsumomi at 12:25 PM 3 comments
Thursday, January 8, 2009
We miss him
This is my brother David with Lilly. David was our roommate over Christmas. I say roommate because he stayed with us for 17 days. During that time Lilly got even more attached to him. She lights up when she sees him, waits for him to wake up in the morning (sometimes she even wakes him up so he doesn't' need an alarm clock), sits on his lap the second he sits down on the couch, and will always put on a dance show for him. David left on Tuesday and Lilly has shed her fair share of tears since. The last couple of nights have been bad. She always misses him most at night when it is time for bed. Tears, tears and more tears. David move back here ASAP!
Posted by tsumomi at 7:04 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Just a quick blog to let you know I am still around just busy. Here is Ruby and I. The reason I am so busy is because I can't keep up with her and her lets say failure to learn how to be house broken. Any ideas on what to do? She is harder to train than my kids were.
Posted by tsumomi at 6:20 AM 3 comments