Some may think this is not an
appropriate picture to put on a blog but it's my blog so I will do what I want. It is liberating being 40 and doing what I want. So back to the picture. I couldn't believe this guy. Is it a guy or a swamp thing? So for all you kids who look at my blog go ahead and laugh at the picture but also let it be a warning to you. Boys...if you ever start to grow this much hair on your body shave it, wax it, or plan on never having a girlfriend or wife. Sorry it won't matter how nice you are or how much money you make girls will just think that is plain sick. Girls who see this picture....If you ever and I mean ever see a guy like this or if your hubby turns out like this take care of the situation. No human on the planet should be like this. FYI dude : Not SEXY!!!
Ummm...I'm almost scared to ask where you found that picture?
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