I thought I would recap the highlights of my week:
Monday: Signed up and inked the deal for the PF Chang 1/2 marathon. Yikes! My sister and brother are on board with me. Anyone is welcome to join in the fun with us. The race isn't until January, but I have started the training process. I will keep you all updated. First update: I AM SORE!!!!

Tuesday: Abby and Josh came home from being in Idaho for the last week. They had a blast! It sure was quiet around here while they were gone. Evidence they were back : empty chip bags by the computer, extra messes around the house, and their sweet kisses and hugs.
Wednesday: I have made the decision that Ryan Gosling is my secret crush.

I love his eyes, and voice. Now, he is no Marc Pulsifer but he sure is a close 2nd. You might be surprised that I am attracted to this guy given he has no tattoos and is clean cut but that doesn't mean that I don't still like my boy Lukas. There is enough space in my heart for both of them. (ha-ha)

Thursday: Josh has been advancing in his karate. He broke a board with his foot. It was so cool to watch. It was awesome seeing how excited he was. I was so proud of him. I guess watching the karate kids movie was an inspiration. Go Mr. Miyagi.

Friday: Marc had some of his staff from his office over for a bbq. My sister and her family were able to join us at the last minute. We ate, swam, played a game of left, right, center and I won! I ended up with the $40.00. Yea me! After the game we walked down to the lake and watched the fireworks. Good thing Marc had his fireworks earlier in the day because I was dead tired by 10:30 when we headed home. We all had a great day!

Saturday: My good friend Brenda (Paige's mom) has offered to have all 5 of my kids over for a sleep over. Is she crazy or what? Lilly was so funny she said to me "Don't cry mom I promise I will come back". Honey sorry to break the news to you but those were tears of happiness because you were leaving. I am looking forward to the next 24 hours. I love my kids but could use some quiet time. You can only imagine how much noise 5 kids who are bored make.