Rachel had a gymnastics meet in Tucson on Saturday so we decided to make a trip out of it. We headed to Tucson Friday afternoon to stay the night at Loews Ventana Resort. We were loving life when we pulled up. It was nice outside, and everything was so green. We got checked into our room and then off to explore. We decided to eat at the restaurant by the pool. It was fun to watch the girls act so grown up. No fits or fighting. They were on great behavior. I think they were picking up on the vibe around us. They could tell that all of the adults there were on a weekend get away from their kids. After dinner we went back to the room. The girls couldn't wait to get into the bathtub. This thing was huge! All three girls were able to lay all the way down and not even touch each other. There was a flat screen t.v. in the bathroom so we cranked that on and they were happy as can be. They laid in the bubble bath and watched t.v. for almost an hour.

A big storm rolled in. We are talking lighting, thunder and pouring rain. We had a great balcony that we watched the storm from. The next day we had breakfast, the girls fed the fish in the koi pond, and then we were off to the meet. The meet was for a program that Rachel is in called "TOPS". Only your coach can choose you to be in this program. The meets are based on strength ,agility and speed. It's weird but nobody can watch the meet except all of the coaches from the competing teams and the judges. It is a pretty big deal. We should have Rachel's results this next week. They compare the girls nation wide to rank where they stand. If you are in the top for your age you can make the National team. What does that mean? No clue. I thought if we ever get to that point I will find out. No need to add one more thing on my plate to stress out about. All in all we had a fun little girls weekend. Don't cry for Abby and Josh. Marc took them to see Batman at the Imax and they had a quiet house.

Your girls are so cute. Can't wait to hear how Rachel did.
Congrats Rachel. Looking forward to the result show :)
I wish I could've gone!
They are so darn cute! I'm glad you had a nice little getaway!
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