Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Marc covers his bases

I got this beautiful flower arragement sent to me from Marc for my birthday. Lucky for me or maybe him that one of his clients owns a flower shop. Marc is always so good about sending me flowers for almost every holiday. (It helps that he trades out legal work for credit at the flower shop) It's funny because he always sends them the day before the holiday or my birthday. I think he is so scared that if he waits until the exact day to send them they might not come for some sort of reason and then he is screwed. I guess you can say I have trained him well. The witch will not be out tomorrow. I'm sure she will be back on her broom in the next couple of days. WATCH OUT KIDS!


Sarah said...

Happy Birthday tomorrow!!! Marc did good huh. Are you doing anything fun for your day?

Laura Fuller said...

that was so nice of tracey to send you such a beautiful bouquet.

Ann said...

The flowers are beautiful! Happy Birthday to you! I hope you have a good day and good luck with the pictures! I can't wait to see how they turn out. can buy powdered milk at any grocery store usually on the baking aisle. If you want to borrow some to try out the granola bars I can just bring over a cup. That way you won't end up with a bunch of dry milk that you will never use. Let me know!

Keri said...

Happy Birthday to you!!! Have a great day and I hope the kids are really sweet today!

Sheri said...

I love getting flowers too. Those are beautiful.

Happy Birthday!