Tuesday, July 22, 2008


We just got back from our trip to California. We had a blast. Who couldn't in great weather? We didn't do anything but bum around. Went to the beach almost everyday to sit and do nothing. The girls and I went and had a shopping therapy day which always does wonders for me. We had pedicures and pampering on another day. Josh thought it was pathetic that we would waste our time doing those sorts of things but as he put it "Hey, whatever makes you girls happy". I think he learned that line from Marc. Marc took Josh our snorkeling on our shopping day. The boys had fun doing boy things. All in all it was fun and can't wait to go back during fall break.


Jen said...

Looks like a perfect way to wrap up summer. I'm glad your back safe.

Ann said...

I love that picture of Marc and the kids! I'm glad you guys had such a great time!

Keri said...

How fun! I love that picture of Marc and the kids too!

Sheri said...

I love that last picture too.

There is nothing better then sitting on the beach with family and doing absolutely nothing.

Laura Fuller said...

i love that last picture! josh looks like a tan hunk on the beach. it is amazing what a little shopping can do for a girl.

Sarah said...

I'm glad you guys had a good time. SD is the best!! I love all the pics but where's the Mom?hahaha