Saturday, July 12, 2008


Went to the Jonas Brothers last night. I was surprised at how talented those boys are. It wasn't as bad as what I thought it would be. I can see how teenage girls would dig them. It was outside and boy was it hot. We got there at 4:30 and they didn't even let us in until close to 6:00. We were so sweaty and gross by the time it started. It was fun to watch the girls sing and dance to the music. Oh, I remember those days so long ago when I had no cares. The concert ended close to 11:00. We stopped by 7-11 and got our free slurpee and headed home. We are off to California today for a week. Can't wait to get on the beach and chill. Have a great week!


Sheri said...

What a cool mom you are - taking your kids to a concert!

Have a great time at the beach - I'm a little jealous :)

ACS said...

Have fun at the beach! I am MORE than a little jealous! This is the 1st summer we didnt get away to San Diego! :-(

Laura Fuller said...

the girls look so old. abby you look beautiful

Keri said...

How fun!!! My girls love them too! I finally watched Camp Rock the other night with them and I am now a fan too! Have fun in CA!